Monday, 25 November 2013

Weekly story

Tim Berners-Lee: Online surveillance undermines confidence in internet

Online surveillance is undermining people's confidence in the internet. Sir Tim Berners-Lee predicts that its outcome will be to enshrine users' rights in the longer term. Mr Lee says that one of the most encouraging findings of this years web index is how the web and social media are increasingly making people to orgainse, take action and try to expose the wrongdoing in the world. Some governments are threatened by this, and a growing tide of surveillance and censorship now threatens the future of democracy"Jimmy Wales, co-founder of Wikipedia, said that as a result of the revelations about surveillance, the collaborative online encyclopaedia will begin encrypting communications with its users all over the world so that people cannot be spied on as they access information.Encrypting connections to Wikipedia should make it impossible for surveillance systems to monitor what people are looking up or editing by tapping connections, although it might be possible if the user's computer has been compromised.Berners-Lee said that the focus of what "freedom" means online had shifted in the past two years, from questions of sites being censored, to fears about governments pulling the plug on connectivity, to new ones about silent surveillance.

My view: I think Mr Lee is right that the web this year has taken action in exposing the wrongdoing and growing surveillance has threatened the future democracy. If this carry's on then they would be able to have a really good world where no one is harming each other. It would offer people to have their own rights, people would be able to raise there voice. The government will not be able to do anything about it. As the government are already threatened.

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