In the opening sequence of the London Olympic, in the music ceremony they have used all raced characters. They have got people from all race and ethnicity performing in the music ceremony. This shows that they wanted to celebrate the opening ceremony with all races in it. This gives a very positive representation to the London as it has people from all different backgrounds, but people have a very open mind, they don't mind living with each other. This is what this opening ceremony is celebrating. One example where the show the multi-ethnic people was when the girl has the house party, in the house they have everyone in the house, they have people from all backgrounds. This gives a very positive representation to Britain on a whole as they communicate with people from different backgrounds everyday.
I think that the Alvarado's Humorous theory is used, as they have made the whole concept very funny and they have showed the happiness of people from all backgrounds. The whole concept shows the being happy and enjoying themselves, which is done through some humour. This means they have used Alvarado's theory to represent all of the backgrounds in the opening ceremony. this then gives Britain a very good representation that they are very caring and loving. That everyone cares for each other in Britain and how they don't think a difference in people from all backgrounds.
Then we saw the NHS celebrating the opening ceremony of the Olympics. The reason the NHS were there to celebrate the opening ceremony was because the NHS is a very big part of UK and how every year they help millions if people stay aware from illness. From my prospective i think that the Daily Mails article for the NHs was very wrong. They are just hating on people who save millions of peoples lives every year. The NHS is unique for UK, as no one in any other country saves peoples lives for free. Where ever you go in the world you will have to pay for your treatment. The Daily Mail have a very wrong sense of the NHS, they cannot just discriminate the NHS, The NHS is such a powerful aspect of Britain, which makes Britain very unique.
Thursday, 30 January 2014
Monday, 27 January 2014
Weekly story
Nokia handset sales drop over Christmas period
Nokia Lumia smartphones did not sell very well, infact the sales in chirstmas dropped by 5%, when they should have been raising. Nokia thought that there new Lumia devices will bring shine to the company but it was the oppsite. The sales dropped during christmas times. In the busy christmas period they sold 8.2m and if we compare that to the September sales where they sold 8.8m there is a quite difference. Nokia thinks that Shoppers may have been rattled by last autumn's announcement that Nokia was to sell its handset business to Microsoft for €5.4bn (£4.43bn) in cash.Microsoft, which is expected to take control of Nokia by the end of March, may take comfort from the fact that 30m Lumias were sold in 2013 compared with 14m the year before.But the handset business suffered a 29% year-on-year drop in sales, with revenues tumbling from €2.8bn in the September quarter to €2.6bn in the three months to 31 December.
key satistics:
8.8 Lumias sold in September
8.4m Lumias sold in December
30m Lumia sold in 2013
Nokia Lumia smartphones did not sell very well, infact the sales in chirstmas dropped by 5%, when they should have been raising. Nokia thought that there new Lumia devices will bring shine to the company but it was the oppsite. The sales dropped during christmas times. In the busy christmas period they sold 8.2m and if we compare that to the September sales where they sold 8.8m there is a quite difference. Nokia thinks that Shoppers may have been rattled by last autumn's announcement that Nokia was to sell its handset business to Microsoft for €5.4bn (£4.43bn) in cash.Microsoft, which is expected to take control of Nokia by the end of March, may take comfort from the fact that 30m Lumias were sold in 2013 compared with 14m the year before.But the handset business suffered a 29% year-on-year drop in sales, with revenues tumbling from €2.8bn in the September quarter to €2.6bn in the three months to 31 December.
key satistics:
8.8 Lumias sold in September
8.4m Lumias sold in December
30m Lumia sold in 2013
My view:
I personally believe that Nokia need to come up with new ideas which no one has thought of. They should invent something different from what we have already recivied. This will help them reach back to the top. All they have given to their customers a new shape phone with the similar features to other phones. I think if they want to stand out in the market they will have to come up with something very different and unique. This will then satisfy the audience with the products the company if offering them. They will be happy as they are getting something new each time.
I personally believe that Nokia need to come up with new ideas which no one has thought of. They should invent something different from what we have already recivied. This will help them reach back to the top. All they have given to their customers a new shape phone with the similar features to other phones. I think if they want to stand out in the market they will have to come up with something very different and unique. This will then satisfy the audience with the products the company if offering them. They will be happy as they are getting something new each time.
Weekly story
BBC moves editor of Radio 1's Newsbeat after bullying allegations
The editor of Radio 1's award-winning Newsbeat programme has been moved from his post because of many complaints from the staff working with him for alleged bullying. Rod McKenzie, who denied the allegations, is understood to have been given a final written warning after the complaints which were included as part of theDinah Rose review into allegations of bullying and harassment at the corporation, published in May 2013.BBC News head of news programmes Ceri Thomas has briefed Newsbeat staff on Tuesday afternoon to tell them that the programme's editor was being moved to another part of the corporation. He will be going away for some time and will be back as a non network news role at the BBC.
My view:
I think that the BBC should of kicked him out forever because of his behaviour at work. What they have done now is, they have sent him away for some time but will call him back. This would give him other opportunities to do the same thing again. He will only learn from his mistake, only when they kick him out, otherwise i think he will do the same thing when he comes back. The BBC are ruinning their companies reputation by having people like him working for them. He should be kicked out BBC company, then he will learn something.
I think that the BBC should of kicked him out forever because of his behaviour at work. What they have done now is, they have sent him away for some time but will call him back. This would give him other opportunities to do the same thing again. He will only learn from his mistake, only when they kick him out, otherwise i think he will do the same thing when he comes back. The BBC are ruinning their companies reputation by having people like him working for them. He should be kicked out BBC company, then he will learn something.
Thursday, 23 January 2014
12 Years A Slave
The trailer starts off with a scene where white people are ruling on black people. So it shows the what the film will eventually be about. This technique is very common where they show the ending or the middle bit of the story in the trailer. After the scene of him being portrayed as a slave. The scene cuts back to the beginning of the film where they show the positive side of the film. So this scene is in the middle when it had to be in the beginning. The beginning of the film is about how the black character was a very happy man living with his family in New York 1841. He quotes himself as born as a freeman. Then he gets portrayed by his own white friends, they sell him as a slave, they sell him because they gained money out of him. Then he gets treated as a slave throughout the whole film. There is a range of different shots in the trailer which get the message across to the audience. The express the film in scenes which hit the audience very hard. The trailer has followed the key codes and convections of the film for example it has good shots in it, they all flow with each other. The trailer has good music in it, which fits with the scenes. Music is one aspect which pulls in the audience in to the trailer. There is very good lighting used in the trailer which allows the audience to see how the situation is.
There are many different scenes in the trailer which would make the audience feel pitied black male dominant. The reason why they will feel pitied is because they are many scenes which are hard hitting. They would make the audience feel sorry for the male character. There is a scene where the white characters are making the black male dominants work till they drop dead. They show how much they are sweating but they cannot stop because they are slaves. The audience would feel very sorry the characters because what have they done wrong to be treated like that.
This trailer starts of similary to 12 year a slave, they sho how the white character is on the horse and the black characters (slaves) walking behind them without shoes. They show a shot of the black characters back and it is full of scars. They show how badly they have been beaten and ruled on. The scene then goes to the black characters foot to show how they have chained them up so that they don't run away. When they are walking the day light is out and later on it is night and they show them still walking, this shows how long they make them walk. The scene after this is a white guy comes from no where in the jungle and starts talking to the slaves, he walks past all of the slaves and stops at one and asks his name. The white ruler tells him to stopping talking to the slave so what the white guy does is kills the ruler and unchains the slaves. He takes Django with him becuase he needs him to find some people through his help. This is what the trailer is about and that is how the make the story flow.There is good music used throughout the trailer because music pulls the audience in.
Alvarado- pitied
In the first 40 seconds of the trailer the audience wold feel very sorry for the slaves because they have and are being toutured. The audience well have some feelings for them, after seeing the scars on their backs. That shot is deliberate because they want to make the audience feel sorry for them. They want the audience to feel pitty for them which is why they have showed the shot of the scars in the trailer. The reason right at the beginning they show there leg chained up is because they wanted to show the unchain bit and they also wanted to show how badly they were getting treated. Them showing the chains in the leg connotes that they are being ruled as such slaves, which makes the audience feel sorry for them.
In this trailer Django I think the Fanon theory would fit in as well because once Django is released from the white rulers he becomes something as a ruler. He starts killing people for money. The quotes that fits in here is that "black skin! White mask" so he is a black guy but he is doing what a white guy would do. This quote is perfectly subverted the stereotype of this black character. The reason why. Hunk that this quote matches with this film is because the audience get to see something different, there is a twist. The audience at the beginning must of thought that he will be a slave throughout the film, but there comes a twist which represents him much different.
The trailer starts off with a scene where white people are ruling on black people. So it shows the what the film will eventually be about. This technique is very common where they show the ending or the middle bit of the story in the trailer. After the scene of him being portrayed as a slave. The scene cuts back to the beginning of the film where they show the positive side of the film. So this scene is in the middle when it had to be in the beginning. The beginning of the film is about how the black character was a very happy man living with his family in New York 1841. He quotes himself as born as a freeman. Then he gets portrayed by his own white friends, they sell him as a slave, they sell him because they gained money out of him. Then he gets treated as a slave throughout the whole film. There is a range of different shots in the trailer which get the message across to the audience. The express the film in scenes which hit the audience very hard. The trailer has followed the key codes and convections of the film for example it has good shots in it, they all flow with each other. The trailer has good music in it, which fits with the scenes. Music is one aspect which pulls in the audience in to the trailer. There is very good lighting used in the trailer which allows the audience to see how the situation is.
There are many different scenes in the trailer which would make the audience feel pitied black male dominant. The reason why they will feel pitied is because they are many scenes which are hard hitting. They would make the audience feel sorry for the male character. There is a scene where the white characters are making the black male dominants work till they drop dead. They show how much they are sweating but they cannot stop because they are slaves. The audience would feel very sorry the characters because what have they done wrong to be treated like that.
Alvarado- pitied
In the first 40 seconds of the trailer the audience wold feel very sorry for the slaves because they have and are being toutured. The audience well have some feelings for them, after seeing the scars on their backs. That shot is deliberate because they want to make the audience feel sorry for them. They want the audience to feel pitty for them which is why they have showed the shot of the scars in the trailer. The reason right at the beginning they show there leg chained up is because they wanted to show the unchain bit and they also wanted to show how badly they were getting treated. Them showing the chains in the leg connotes that they are being ruled as such slaves, which makes the audience feel sorry for them.
In this trailer Django I think the Fanon theory would fit in as well because once Django is released from the white rulers he becomes something as a ruler. He starts killing people for money. The quotes that fits in here is that "black skin! White mask" so he is a black guy but he is doing what a white guy would do. This quote is perfectly subverted the stereotype of this black character. The reason why. Hunk that this quote matches with this film is because the audience get to see something different, there is a twist. The audience at the beginning must of thought that he will be a slave throughout the film, but there comes a twist which represents him much different.
This poster is a perfect example of the Fanan theory because it shows the black character acting as the main character which in this case should have been the white guy. So this means that the black character has a white mask on his face. They have made the slave in this film as the main hero. At the beginning of the film he looks completly like a slave because he is meant to be the slave in the film, but from this poster it connotes him as the main character, which would be a white guy. In the poster the white guy is standing behind the black guy which means the black character has been given more power.
The guy also looks very dangerous which comes under Alvarado theories, as one of them is dangerous. The black character looks very dangerous as he has the gun in his hand, they all have a gun in their hand but he looks the most dangerous one. The direct look which he has given to the camera makes him look like a very powerful person. It looks like he has nothing to worry about, even though at the beginning of the film he was the slave.
By looking at this poster many people would feel sorry for the person whoever these hands belong to because just by looking at the state of them they are very hard hitting. This would make the audience feel pitied for the person because of the picture of his hands would just make them feel sorry. The audience would feel sorry because of the tight chain which is tied to the hands of this person. The chain on his hands looks very rusted which means it has been on there for very long and it must be hurting because its rusted and very old. This picture would make the audience feel pitied for the guys hands, which means Alvarados theory comes in again.
Monday, 20 January 2014
Weekly story
Are London's drivers ready for 'the Oyster card for cars'?
City of Westminster council expanded a "smart" parking trial. They have introduced new parking metres, which are used by your oyster cards. The council wants to create cashless parking scheme. They said that it would make it easier for everyone, as someone would come in the car park, park their car in a bay and the sensor will will note down the registered user. The council down exactly know how it will work, but they think it will be a more unique way of having a parking. One suggestion is that commuters could apply for a card that allows them to prepay for parking. Once parked, the sensor in the parking bay would record the time and duration of the stay. Users could opt to automatically update their balance in the same way as Transport for London's Oyster card is used in the capital.The card itself would need to contain a radio-frequency identification (RFID) chip, which would enable basic information such as the user's account number, linked to their car registration, to be shared wirelessly with the sensor in the parking bay.

My view: I personally think that this is just a waste of money, yes hey are trying to be unique but is there a need of it? The money which they are using for the project could be used for something useful, like helping a charity organisation or making more hospital or schools. This is just a waste of money, people would be interested in them because at the moment people think that the system they have is really good as it is simply and straight forward. Everyone knows how to use them, now Westiminster council is making everything more complicated. They don't even require such things like this because it is just a waste of money.
City of Westminster council expanded a "smart" parking trial. They have introduced new parking metres, which are used by your oyster cards. The council wants to create cashless parking scheme. They said that it would make it easier for everyone, as someone would come in the car park, park their car in a bay and the sensor will will note down the registered user. The council down exactly know how it will work, but they think it will be a more unique way of having a parking. One suggestion is that commuters could apply for a card that allows them to prepay for parking. Once parked, the sensor in the parking bay would record the time and duration of the stay. Users could opt to automatically update their balance in the same way as Transport for London's Oyster card is used in the capital.The card itself would need to contain a radio-frequency identification (RFID) chip, which would enable basic information such as the user's account number, linked to their car registration, to be shared wirelessly with the sensor in the parking bay.
My view: I personally think that this is just a waste of money, yes hey are trying to be unique but is there a need of it? The money which they are using for the project could be used for something useful, like helping a charity organisation or making more hospital or schools. This is just a waste of money, people would be interested in them because at the moment people think that the system they have is really good as it is simply and straight forward. Everyone knows how to use them, now Westiminster council is making everything more complicated. They don't even require such things like this because it is just a waste of money.
Weekly story
Daily Mirror sales drop below 1m
The sales of the DAily Mirror have dropped below 1m, the biggest fall has been taken place in the national newspaper market in December. Last month the Trinity Mirror title's circulation fell 3.49% month on month to 965,248 copies, a 6.71% year-on-year decline."The Daily Mirror was the only red-top to increase market share in 2013 and the title has now outperformed its market for 18 consecutive months," said a spokesman for parent company Trinity Mirror. Stablemate the Sunday Mirror fell through the 1m sales barrier for the first time in November.
The sales of the DAily Mirror have dropped below 1m, the biggest fall has been taken place in the national newspaper market in December. Last month the Trinity Mirror title's circulation fell 3.49% month on month to 965,248 copies, a 6.71% year-on-year decline."The Daily Mirror was the only red-top to increase market share in 2013 and the title has now outperformed its market for 18 consecutive months," said a spokesman for parent company Trinity Mirror. Stablemate the Sunday Mirror fell through the 1m sales barrier for the first time in November.
The second biggest faller in December was Richard Desmond's Daily Star, down 2.96% month on month, which saw the title fall through the 500,000 mark.The Daily Star had a circulation of 491,726 in December, according to the latest Audit Bureau of Circulations report, published on Friday.The rest of the market performed resiliently with the Guardian the best performer, up 1.7% month on month, the only daily national newspaper to record a rise. It was the fourth month running that the MediaGuardian publisher increased circulation.The rise pushed the title, which is down just 0.56% year on year, back over the 200,000 sales mark.There were a string of solid performances from a number of nationals with the Telegraph, Independent, Daily Mail and Times all managing to keep month-on-month declines to less than 1%.
Key statistics:
Sales for the Daily Mirror dropped below 1m
This also includes Sunday Mirror, which sales dropped back in November
The Guardian was one of the best performers, there is a string of soild performence for them
My view: I personally think that evenually all newspaper would be in decline in the up coming years because no one would buy one. They would evenually shift in to the new generation and would start getting their news Online. I think the reason why the Guardian has perfermed well is because of its online subscription. I don't think that their print has made them the best seller, as they give out their print for free. So i think that because of the changes made in new and digital media everyone will shift into the new generation and would start adapting themselves into the new world of media. People would stop buying their newspaper. I also think that because of all newspapers being in decline, evenually the companies would start distributing their papers for free as they Guardian has started doing. By doing this the companies might benefit because they might attract online subscribers, people wont mind paying for the online subscription because it is the new tradition, which everyone would adapt to soon.
Post colonialism
Post colonialism- Race, Ethnicity and Stereotype
colonialism normally refers to a period of history from the 19th and 20 century when people from Europe built colonies on other countries. The reason for the practise of colonialism at the time include:
-The profits to be make
-To expand the power of the coloniasing
-To escape persecution by the coloniasing country
-To convert the indigenous population to the colonists religion
There are four more common characteristics of colonialism
1-Political and legal domination over a alian society
2- Relation of economics and political dependence
3-Exploitation between imperial powers and the colony
4-Racial and culture inequality
Ruled countries: China, Indian(Jewel in the crown), Carribiean, Africa, Kenya
Post colonialism may seek to challenge or undermine the westurn way of thinking. Often, previously colonised places are homegenized in westurn discover under an umberalla label such as the third world.
Key Theorists-
Alvarado (1987)-exotic, dangerous, humorous, pittied
Frantz Fanon quotes Black skin, white masks
in the carribbean, black slaves were allowed to dress up in which masks and mock their masters
"putting on the white mask"
He explores what goes through the minds of the blacks and whites under the condition of the dominant white culture.
Infantilize- such as the cute children of the charity poster
Post colonialism- in the 19th and early 20th century Britain and other European powers held colonial empires in Africa, Asia and South American. These colonial were build with often profits of slavery and the exportation of the natural resources. Post colonialism expresses the importance of the cultural, economic, political, and military dominance of the past.
This identity is the result of forced or voluntary migration.
People experience a sense of belonging culture which is other to the dominate culture of the country of residence.
colonialism normally refers to a period of history from the 19th and 20 century when people from Europe built colonies on other countries. The reason for the practise of colonialism at the time include:
-The profits to be make
-To expand the power of the coloniasing
-To escape persecution by the coloniasing country
-To convert the indigenous population to the colonists religion
There are four more common characteristics of colonialism
1-Political and legal domination over a alian society
2- Relation of economics and political dependence
3-Exploitation between imperial powers and the colony
4-Racial and culture inequality
Ruled countries: China, Indian(Jewel in the crown), Carribiean, Africa, Kenya
Post colonialism may seek to challenge or undermine the westurn way of thinking. Often, previously colonised places are homegenized in westurn discover under an umberalla label such as the third world.
Key Theorists-
Alvarado (1987)-exotic, dangerous, humorous, pittied
Frantz Fanon quotes Black skin, white masks
in the carribbean, black slaves were allowed to dress up in which masks and mock their masters
"putting on the white mask"
He explores what goes through the minds of the blacks and whites under the condition of the dominant white culture.
Infantilize- such as the cute children of the charity poster
Post colonialism- in the 19th and early 20th century Britain and other European powers held colonial empires in Africa, Asia and South American. These colonial were build with often profits of slavery and the exportation of the natural resources. Post colonialism expresses the importance of the cultural, economic, political, and military dominance of the past.
Edward Said (1995) introduced this concept.
This perspective implies the East and Orient China, Japan are representations of both fear and fascination.
Edward Said (1995) introduced this concept.
This perspective implies the East and Orient China, Japan are representations of both fear and fascination.
This identity is the result of forced or voluntary migration.
People experience a sense of belonging culture which is other to the dominate culture of the country of residence.
Monday, 13 January 2014
Weekly story
Tesco sells more than 400,000 Hudl tablets in three months
Tesco took a very large risk of offering their own make Tablet, so called the Hudl. The gamble has now paid off, as Tesco have announced that it sold more than 400,000 of Hudls since its launch. Tesco had tough competition with loads of rivals such as Apple, Google, and Amazon, as all three of them have very successful selling tablets as well. Tesco claim that they sold roughly 100,000 were sold in December and the rest of the 300,000 from the start of the launch. They also claimed that as the demand was very high in some stores, the stock ran out and then customers were being offered to buy it from ebay for £180, whereas the normal price is £119. Other store chains, including Aldi and Argos, also offered their own tablets, all like Tesco running Google's Android software. None has so far released any sales figures.
My View:
I personally think that the demand of tablets has touched the sky. Everyone want something new which is why people are buying so many different tablets. Whenever someone goes to buy a tablet they have a very large range of tablets to choose from as ever company is now coming up with their own tablets. Tesco have sold a very large amount of its tables since its launch which shows people just want to discover all the new technology out their for them. 6-7 years ago it was all PC's making the money and now its all the tablets. I think that PC's are now in decline and not many people would buy them as they know they won't be able to carry it around with them, whereas a tablet could even fit in their pocket.
Tesco took a very large risk of offering their own make Tablet, so called the Hudl. The gamble has now paid off, as Tesco have announced that it sold more than 400,000 of Hudls since its launch. Tesco had tough competition with loads of rivals such as Apple, Google, and Amazon, as all three of them have very successful selling tablets as well. Tesco claim that they sold roughly 100,000 were sold in December and the rest of the 300,000 from the start of the launch. They also claimed that as the demand was very high in some stores, the stock ran out and then customers were being offered to buy it from ebay for £180, whereas the normal price is £119. Other store chains, including Aldi and Argos, also offered their own tablets, all like Tesco running Google's Android software. None has so far released any sales figures.
Key statistics:
Stock ran out, which shows how much the high demand was.
400,000 Hudls sold since its launch
100,000 sold in December, which helped boost sales.
Stock ran out, which shows how much the high demand was.
400,000 Hudls sold since its launch
100,000 sold in December, which helped boost sales.
My View:
I personally think that the demand of tablets has touched the sky. Everyone want something new which is why people are buying so many different tablets. Whenever someone goes to buy a tablet they have a very large range of tablets to choose from as ever company is now coming up with their own tablets. Tesco have sold a very large amount of its tables since its launch which shows people just want to discover all the new technology out their for them. 6-7 years ago it was all PC's making the money and now its all the tablets. I think that PC's are now in decline and not many people would buy them as they know they won't be able to carry it around with them, whereas a tablet could even fit in their pocket.
Weekly story
Telegraph Media Group made £60m profit last year
The Telegraph Media Group have made a another year very successful for themselves. They made more than £60m profit last year. This is known as their third very successful year that the company managed to increase its profits. Sirs David and Frederick Barclay both owners of the the Daily and Sunday Telegraph refuse to obey the newspaper publishing sectors downward market trend. Rival titles, such as The Times, The Independent and The Guardian, have been recording losses for several years. In 2012, TMG made £58.4m, and in 2011 its profit was £55.7m.Evidently, TMG's advertising revenues have remained relatively stable. It has also enjoyed a boost in subscriptions since it launched its online metered paywall. That was introduced internationally in November 2012 and was extended for domestic users in March 2013.
The Telegraph Media Group have made a another year very successful for themselves. They made more than £60m profit last year. This is known as their third very successful year that the company managed to increase its profits. Sirs David and Frederick Barclay both owners of the the Daily and Sunday Telegraph refuse to obey the newspaper publishing sectors downward market trend. Rival titles, such as The Times, The Independent and The Guardian, have been recording losses for several years. In 2012, TMG made £58.4m, and in 2011 its profit was £55.7m.Evidently, TMG's advertising revenues have remained relatively stable. It has also enjoyed a boost in subscriptions since it launched its online metered paywall. That was introduced internationally in November 2012 and was extended for domestic users in March 2013.
Key statistics:
Telegraph Media Group have made a £60m profit in 2013
In 2011 they made £55.7m profit
The Guardian, The Times and The Independent, have been reporting losses for several years now.
My View:
I think they as the Telegraph media group has made such an big amount of profit last year, this means the business is doing very well. It shows how Newspapers are still on going and are not in decline. The reason why i think this is because of the amount of profit made. Even though it has a paywall it is still very successful, unlike other companies like the Guardian who are giving most of their content away for free, but are still make a loss in there business.I think companies who are making a loss should either close the company or think of a different way to attract the audience, as newspapers are not in demand as they were in the olden days.
Thursday, 9 January 2014
Black Mirror: The National Anthem?
The message of the Black Mirror is that internet has such power that no one can control it. Things go viral in seconds. For example that video of the girl was on Youtube for 9 minutes and in them 9 minutes it had 50,000 views. This shows how many people are getting information as quick as a click. The reason for the video getting so many views is because people don't have to log in on to their computer just to watch what is happening. They carry everything in their pocket, in other words a smart phone.
A smart phone is the source which allows people to get information in seconds and it is all updated information. One example of where in the show, the mum goes to her kid saying the kidnapper probably wanted money and then the kid says no mum, they want him to do a pig. This shows that the young kid has updated information as they interact online and as they are getting updated information every minute, he knew everything about the story.
The audience have been desensitisation, they are not shocked about what is happening around them. The reason why they are not shocked is because pornography is so easy to access now for anyone, that it has gone just an ordinary thing. Many people just find it general now because they can easily access it online. Most of it is normally free which is why people find it very common now.
A smart phone is the source which allows people to get information in seconds and it is all updated information. One example of where in the show, the mum goes to her kid saying the kidnapper probably wanted money and then the kid says no mum, they want him to do a pig. This shows that the young kid has updated information as they interact online and as they are getting updated information every minute, he knew everything about the story.
The audience have been desensitisation, they are not shocked about what is happening around them. The reason why they are not shocked is because pornography is so easy to access now for anyone, that it has gone just an ordinary thing. Many people just find it general now because they can easily access it online. Most of it is normally free which is why people find it very common now.
Monday, 6 January 2014
Weekly story #4
UK entertainment spending rises
On Wednesday figures were published about how Netflix and Spotify have increased the number of sales of entertainment products such as music, films, video games. The reason of popularity of watching TV and films is because of Netflix, Amazon Lovefilm and Apples iTunes. These three has increased 40% in spendings on digital videos and downloads, streams and subscriptions rising to £621m. Sources like Spotify and Deezer have allowed the music streaming tracks doubled to 7.4n. Services like Netflix, LoveFilm and Blinkbox are transforming the video business by making content available over multiple devices. The biggest-selling DVD in the UK last year was Skyfall, which shifted 2.96m copies, easily beating The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, which sold 2.07m, according to figures from the British Video Association. The biggest-selling TV show on DVD was the second season of Game of Thrones, followed by the BBC shows Top Gear: The Perfect Road Trip and two series of Mrs Brown's Boys.
My view: I personally believe that Netflix is a really good source which allows people to watch films for very cheap. This is the thing which has made sales increase this year and i believe it will increase sales in the upcoming years. This is all related to new and digital media, the advancements developments have allowed this to happen. As technology is developing fast i think in the upcoming years things will change even more.
Weekly story #3
Global Radio has made an extreme loss
-In June last year, Global repaid £50m of loans "from a connected party".
My View:
It is very surprising that radio platform is still generating revenue because it was old tradition and no one uses it. The reason why it is surprising is because people now days like to interact they don't like the old tradition ways to get information or to listen to music because the internet fulfils that desire of them. There are so many sources which allow the audience to download the music, it allows them to listen to it whenever they want. People don't have to wait till their faviuorte song comes up on the radio. They can access it in seconds because of the developments in new and digital media.
Ashley Tabor’s Global Radio reported losses of nearly £30m, but revenues rose by 4.2%, compared to an industry average of 1.4% The owner of Global Radio saw losses widen to almost £30m for the year to the end of March, thanks to a substantial payment to shareholders, while operating profits grew by a healthy 11% to £37m. The UK's largest commercial radio operator reported a 4.8% year-on-year rise in revenues from £209.4m to £219.5m. The company said this was an "excellent performance" against the wider commercial radio industry, which it says grew revenues by just 1.4%. Operating profits rose by 11.4% year on year from £33.3m to £37.1m.
-The UK's largest commercial radio operator reported a 4.8% year-on-year rise in revenues from £209.4m to £219.5m.
-Staff costs rose from £55.8m to £57m as numbers grew from 1,059 to 1,111.-In June last year, Global repaid £50m of loans "from a connected party".
My View:
It is very surprising that radio platform is still generating revenue because it was old tradition and no one uses it. The reason why it is surprising is because people now days like to interact they don't like the old tradition ways to get information or to listen to music because the internet fulfils that desire of them. There are so many sources which allow the audience to download the music, it allows them to listen to it whenever they want. People don't have to wait till their faviuorte song comes up on the radio. They can access it in seconds because of the developments in new and digital media.
Weekly story #2
You think Facebook is free? Well, it'll only cost you private life
A European company researched last week and found that Facebook was "dead and buried to teenagers" as the young audience are using more interactive social networking sites such as Snapchat Instagram and Whatsapp. The reason why most young audience complain why don't use Facebook now is because they say there parents have started using it and no children would want to get stalked by their parents on a social networking site. Facebook and other companies like Facebook make money from our data and content, they use all of that to get the perfect ads popping up for us. These companies have perfected surveillance as a business model. They spy on us for commercial gain. Services on the internet, we click through to a digital emporium where we sacrifice our privacy. Every click, message and electronic trail is mined for profit. Every digital stroke makes money for them. The more time that you spend, the more money they make. There is little they don't know, almost nowhere they can't follow and nothing they can't tell about your digital life. The net has effectively been captured. Government spying agencies on the one hand and Facebook and Google on the other are warehousing our data, mining our lives and minting theirs.
My view:
I think that this could freak out loads of users and whatever you do at whatever time, you are getting spyed on. That's the only which they could make profits from, so there is no way I think the audience would be able to get these ads off their page. Privacy is one main factor, privacy has had an big impact on the users and on Facebook as they have lost their young users. The reason why they have lost their young users is because they say that they don't their parents to be stalking them on Facebook because many young children are claiming that their parents have started to get the hang of Facebook and that they use it more than their children. This means that Facebook might have to create more stronger privacy, so that the children could hide their profiles from their parents.
My view:
I think that this could freak out loads of users and whatever you do at whatever time, you are getting spyed on. That's the only which they could make profits from, so there is no way I think the audience would be able to get these ads off their page. Privacy is one main factor, privacy has had an big impact on the users and on Facebook as they have lost their young users. The reason why they have lost their young users is because they say that they don't their parents to be stalking them on Facebook because many young children are claiming that their parents have started to get the hang of Facebook and that they use it more than their children. This means that Facebook might have to create more stronger privacy, so that the children could hide their profiles from their parents.
Weekly story #1
Facebook 'dead and buried to teens'

Facebook is 'dead and buried' to old teenagers an European company have researched that the old teenagers move to other market leading social networking sites such as, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp and Snapchat. They have found out that 16-18 year olds parents are now using Facebook and there children are using other social networking sites. They are using other platforms to communicate with their friends.
"Facebook is not just on the slide - it is basically dead and buried," wrote Daniel Miller, lead anthropologist on the research team, who is professor of material culture of University College London. Parents were once worried about their children using Social networking sites such as Facebook.
"What appears to be the most seminal moment in a young person’s decision to leave Facebook was surely that dreaded day your mum sends you a friend request," wrote Miller.
"It is nothing new that young people care about style and status in relation to their peers, and Facebook is simply not cool anymore."
Information that people choose to publish on Facebook has generally been through a psychological filtering process, researchers found - unlike conversations, photos and video shared through more private tools such as Skype, or on mobile apps.
My view:
I believe that the reason why Facebook is losing its young audience is because of other social networking sites which give a much more advanced opportunity to its users to communicate in a advanced way. This is why I think Facebook is losing users and it is getting very boring which is why it has lost nearly all of its young audience. The reason why I think parents and old people have started using it is because they have just discovered it, for them its a new way of communicating which has fascinated them to use it.
I think soon the old audience would get bored with Facebook as well because it will seem boring to them and they will then most likely to use the social networking sites which there children use now. By then I think their children will be defiantly using another social networking site which fascinates them. Its like follow the leader, normally children are meant to be following their parents but now parents are following their children.
Parents used to be very worried about their children using social networking sites such as Facebook because they use to think that it was a dangerous place for there children to be on. Now children can argue that why are you using it then because nearly all parents are on Facebook now.
Facebook is 'dead and buried' to old teenagers an European company have researched that the old teenagers move to other market leading social networking sites such as, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp and Snapchat. They have found out that 16-18 year olds parents are now using Facebook and there children are using other social networking sites. They are using other platforms to communicate with their friends.
"Facebook is not just on the slide - it is basically dead and buried," wrote Daniel Miller, lead anthropologist on the research team, who is professor of material culture of University College London. Parents were once worried about their children using Social networking sites such as Facebook.
"What appears to be the most seminal moment in a young person’s decision to leave Facebook was surely that dreaded day your mum sends you a friend request," wrote Miller.
"It is nothing new that young people care about style and status in relation to their peers, and Facebook is simply not cool anymore."
Information that people choose to publish on Facebook has generally been through a psychological filtering process, researchers found - unlike conversations, photos and video shared through more private tools such as Skype, or on mobile apps.
My view:
I believe that the reason why Facebook is losing its young audience is because of other social networking sites which give a much more advanced opportunity to its users to communicate in a advanced way. This is why I think Facebook is losing users and it is getting very boring which is why it has lost nearly all of its young audience. The reason why I think parents and old people have started using it is because they have just discovered it, for them its a new way of communicating which has fascinated them to use it.
I think soon the old audience would get bored with Facebook as well because it will seem boring to them and they will then most likely to use the social networking sites which there children use now. By then I think their children will be defiantly using another social networking site which fascinates them. Its like follow the leader, normally children are meant to be following their parents but now parents are following their children.
Parents used to be very worried about their children using social networking sites such as Facebook because they use to think that it was a dangerous place for there children to be on. Now children can argue that why are you using it then because nearly all parents are on Facebook now.
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