1. Citizen journalist means that when ordinary people generate news because of the improved technology over the year, people are becoming citizen journalists, so ordinary people are distributing news videos on the internet for people.
2. The first example of news being generated by ordinary people was the Rodney king incident. This was the incident where he was very badly hit by the police officers because they accused him for being under the influence of taking drugs.
3. Some of the format participation are: message boards, chat rooms, blogs with comments embeded on them, and Q&A.
4. The difference between professional shot footage and first hand shot footage, is that the professional footage is often more hard hitting and emotive. So professional footage hits the audience much more. The audience feel the situation themselves and they put themselves in that positions. Even though that hand held footage is from there and then, the professional one is more emotive and it hits the audience much more, than hand held.
5. Gatekeeper are the people who decide what is the news and what isn't. They also decide what will and what won't be broadcasting. So they are the people who make the decision if this piece is he news or is it not. If they say this is a piece of news then it would be broadcasted buy if they say no its not the news then it won't be broadcasted at all.
6. The role of gatekeeping has changed thoroughly because of user generating content(UGC). This means that normal people post up things about the news. For example people would post up news on Social newtworking sites, youtube, blogs and many more. This is the reason why gatekeeping has changed because even though they decide what has to go on the news, the ordinary people just post up all the serious news and they post it up how it is meant to be, the gatekeepers could even post up false information.
7. The main concern for the journalists is that they are fearing for the jobs because of the rise of the UGC. This means that people are posting up news of their own over the whole of e-media. In the future journalists think that there would be only a fewer and fewer trained staff at the news organisations.
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