Sunday, 6 October 2013

A14 to become Britains first internet connected road


The highway which is very busy at most times because it goes to Birmingham, A14 would be Britains first road to be connected with the internet. Networks of sensors will be placed along a 50 miles stretch of the A14, in a collaboration between BT, the department for transport and the Cambridge star up Neul. This would create a smart road which can monitor traffic, by sending signals to peoples mobile phones when they are driving on the A14.
This new technology could even pave the way for government to automatically control the car speeds.
The watch dog Ofcom also said that this could be used to directly communicate directly with the cars, directing them with diverted routes so they can avoid congestion and also monitor there speed.
Computers would be essentially be able to overdrive the driver, imposing maximum speed on the vehicle by controlling the breaks and the engine.

Satistics: The highway agency are proposing to spend £1.5 billion so that they can improve the A14, all of that could be paid off by toll. As they are going to charge lorries £3 when the use that route.

My view: I think this is a really good idea because it would cause less traffic problems and it would allow people to get quicker to their destination. I also think that it would stop accidents from occurring on busy occasions. I think this would then lead Britian to improve all his highways and it would have better impact of it, it would also be a very good thing for everyone.  

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